Ephesians 5:1 (NLT)
"Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.”
There is a saying in a (stereotypical) believer's lingo that says "I want to look more like Jesus." Sounds great, right? My only question is, why stop there? While that is a very accurate phrase I feel that we as believers should strive for more! There is so much more to our faith than just looking like Jesus. How many times do we say "I want not to just look like Him, but I also was to act like Him and even be an imitator of Him?" Not often, am I right?
So many times, as Followers of Christ, we focus on wanting to present our outward selves to the Lord out of reverence for His holiness and to the world, to appear as set apart. Presenting only our exterior selves does not matter. If we are being honest, we could say that it all boils down to just how much we look like Jesus on the inside and in our hearts. The author is encouraging us to imitate Jesus in everything we do. Everything includes each and every circumstance and situation our day throws at us, yet no matter what, approach them in a way that is as Christ would. In essence, I want to encourage you to take the concept of just looking like Jesus to the next level by being a literal imitator of Him.
Weekly Announcements:
Philanthropical Faith Family, thank you so much for reading this week's devotional! We hope you enjoyed it! Staying connected with you all, is something we strive to be intentional at. So, whether you are a long-time member or a brand new visitor, we would love to walk alongside you in your faith even better! Feel free to email us directly at "thephilanthropicalfaith@gmail.com," chat with us in real-time on the website, or even find us on our Instagram by searching "The Philanthropical Faith." We cannot wait to see what God does through you as we partner together to bring the world the good news of our Philanthropical Faith!
God bless!