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PROVERBS: The Series

Writer's picture: Genelle AsamoahGenelle Asamoah

Proverbs 14:3-34

V3: "A fool’s proud talk becomes a rod that beats him, but the words of the wise keep them safe."

Our words carry a heavy weight in them. The things that we say can either bring life or death. Fools speak from hearts stemming from pride and self-centeredness and that is not wisdom. The Bible says that their proud talk will come back and beat them. The words of a wise person stem from a heart that is rooted in humility and return, covers them, and keeps them safe.

V5: "An honest witness does not lie; a false witness breathes lies."

Honesty is a characteristic that is rooted in wisdom. An honest witness has no need to cover up what he or she has done. Wisdom nudges and pushes us, to tell the truth. A person who acts out of dishonesty and false witness lives and breathes foolish lies.

V6: "A mocker seeks wisdom and never finds it, but knowledge comes easily to those with understanding."

People who want to seek after and search for wisdom have their hearts, minds, and souls rooted in the right things. A liar could search for wisdom, but because their life stems from deceit, they will never find it. A thief could strive to have wisdom, but because of what they choose to root themselves in, they will never find it. The same thing goes for a mocker: a mocker could seek wisdom, but because their foundation is in mockery, they will never find it. Those of us who are rooted in Godly understanding can seek after and search for wisdom, and it will be easily found and granted.

V7: "Stay away from fools, for you won’t find knowledge on their lips."

Whether we like it or not, we all know that the people we hang around have a strong influence on us. We are warned to stay away from foolish people as they bring nothing beneficial to our lives. Nothing they say is wise or uplifting, so it is better that we surround ourselves with good, Godly, and wise people.

V8: "The prudent understand where they are going, but fools deceive themselves."

Wise or prudent people are aware of what is going on around them, and where they are going. The path that they choose to go down is one that is rooted in truth and not deception. The path of a fool brings nothing but destruction.

V9: "Fools make fun of guilt, but the godly acknowledge it and seek reconciliation."

We can take conviction one of two ways: we can either accept that we are in the wrong, and need to make reprimands, or ignore the guilt and keep on keeping on as if nothing happened. The foolish thing to do is to ignore and make fun of those nudgings and make no effort to reconcile. Humility and wisdom push us to acknowledge that we've fallen short and lead us to make the effort to fix what we have done wrong.

V11: "The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the godly will flourish."

The favor of the Lord rests upon His people. This means that when storms arise and come to take us, our families, and our homes out, we won't fall. When God is on your side, you are favored and will flourish!

V14: "Backsliders get what they deserve; good people receive their reward."

Backsliders, corner cutters, and fools in the end, will get what they deserve. By not being faithful and cheating their way through life, it is only fair that they be punished. It is those who are good that will be rewarded for their hard work.

V16: "The wise are cautious and avoid danger; fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence."

Wisdom leads us to be cautious and avoid harmful and dangerous things. Fools with no guardrails dive into things with reckless confidence that is not wisdom.

V17: "Short-tempered people do foolish things, and schemers are hated."

Wisdom inspires us to walk in grace and humility. The individuals who are short-tempered and angry are foolish and therefore, do foolish things. Wisdom takes control of our whole beings, dictating the way we live our lives making it even more so important that we are intentionally living lives rooted in it!

V18: "Simpletons are clothed with foolishness, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge."

The unwise and simple live and breathe foolishness. The attentive and prudent and wise are crowned with knowledge from the Lord.

V19: "Evil people will bow before good people; the wicked will bow at the gates of the godly."

There will be a day when all of the people who stood opposed to the things and people of God will have to submit to the Lord. In those days, we are promised evil and wicked things and people will bow to what is good and godly. At the end of the day, God always has the final say!

V21: "It is a sin to belittle one’s neighbor; blessed are those who help the poor."

God calls it a sin to belittle one's neighbor. The only thing we are called to do to our neighbors is to love them, serve them, and help them. If you think about it, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, so who are we to put one another down?

V22: "If you plan to do evil, you will be lost; if you plan to do good, you will receive unfailing love and faithfulness."

With the way our world is going, it is easy to fall into the thinking that evil will triumph and have the upper hand. There is hope in knowing that that is not true! God's Word says that if you plan to do evil, you will be forgotten and lost. If you plan to do good to others, you will be blessed and favored with God's unfailing love and faithfulness!

V23: "Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty!"

If you sow in hard work and integrity, your return will be greatly profitable. If you sit around and do nothing but talk, all you will reap is what you put in: i.e. nothing! Hard work is beneficial and crucial to teach the important concept of you reap what you sow.

V24: "Wealth is a crown for the wise; the effort of fools yields only foolishness."

Oftentimes, fools will try to cut corners to "strike it rich" easily and dishonestly. The Bible describes wealth as a crown for the wise: almost as if it is a reward for living life and doing things the right way. Any effort of foolish people will never reap wealth, but instead, only foolishness.

V25: "A truthful witness saves lives, but a false witness is a traitor."

People who tell the truth bring life wherever they go. In fact, this verse tells us that a truthful witness saves lives! Those who lie and bear false witnesses are traitors and bring nothing good to anyone.

V26: "Those who fear the Lord are secure; he will be a refuge for their children."

The Lord is a strong and secure fortress we can rest in. Nothing of the enemy can shake Him up, so as long as we abide in Him, and fear Him, we have nothing to fear. He even promises to be a refuge for our children! His strong and mighty protecting arm lasts for generations.

V29: "People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness."

Self-control is a gift from the Holy Spirit. Knowing how to act and control yourself in pressing situations takes great wisdom. Acting out of spite and anger is great foolishness. This is why operating in the gifts of the Spirit at all times is so important for us, especially as Believers.

V30: "A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones."

Being content and at peace with what God has blessed you with leads to a life led by a peaceful heart and good health. Jealousy is like a disease, that attacks us from within. Like cancer cells, the more it grows on us, the more harmful it gets. This is why gratitude, thankfulness, and contentment are so crucial!

V31: "Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors him."

There's a verse in Matthew 25:40 that talks about whatever acts of service we do for the least of these would be as if we were doing it for Jesus Himself. The poor are in that category. As for the people who choose not to help those in need, but to oppress them, is a great insult to God. It is as simple as this: the same God who made you and me made them too. Jesus went to the Cross for them too. So, who are we to determine who is deserving of the love of Jesus? When we serve the least among us, we will be honored among the great.

V32: "The wicked are crushed by disaster, but the godly have a refuge when they die."

For the people who choose not to put their faith in Jesus, there is no hope. In making Jesus our Lord and Savior, we have the hope of an eternity with Him forever and throughout all of eternity. Eternal life is a gift and a promise that Jesus gives, and the wicked and foolish people who choose to not accept this gift have no hope.

V33: "Wisdom is enshrined in an understanding heart; wisdom is not found among fools."

Another word for enshrined is treasured greatly. In the hearts of the understanding, wisdom is treasured greatly. It is highly sought after and determines the steps of one's life. Wisdom is something found in the Lord and it is a gift to the Godly. Fools do not produce wisdom in their hearts.

V34: "Godliness makes a nation great, but sin is a disgrace to any people."

In our Pledge of Allegiance, we have this line that says that America is "one nation under God." The truth is that our nation and even the world are being overrun and controlled by sin. A nation rooted in the things of God will be great and will rise up. A nation rooted in man, pleasures of the world, and sin, will crumble and fall. True Godliness is what keeps us from falling short, and that is what we need to be rooted in.

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