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PROVERBS: The Series

Writer's picture: Genelle AsamoahGenelle Asamoah

Proverbs 29:1-25

V1: "Whoever stubbornly refuses to accept criticism will suddenly be destroyed beyond recovery."

As sinful people living in a sinful world, we won't always do what is right. If anything, messing up and making mistakes is a given. Wisdom from the Holy Spirit will often come through other people, not to criticize to bring us down but to correct us and help us not fall astray again. A foolish person chooses not to listen to these words but will instead be destroyed. We must let wisdom build us back up.

V6: "Evil people are trapped by sin, but the righteous escape, shouting for joy."

Sin is a stronghold. Its sole purpose is to bind and trap us and lead us astray from the things of God. Righteousness is what sets us free and makes us new. It is because we are now in Christ that the chains of evil no longer have a hold over us. In Christ, we are free!

V13: "The poor and the oppressor have this in common—the Lord gives sight to the eyes of both."

In the eyes of the Lord, wealth, status, or rank, means nothing. What matters is who we choose to follow. When we are unified under Christ, we are all the same to Him. You don't need to be rich for the Lord to speak to you. You don't have to be a king or queen for Him to use you. You don't need a traumatic backstory to play a role in His great plan. You just need to be willing to be used by Him, and as long as you are living for Him, that is all that matters.

V16: "When the wicked are in authority, sin flourishes, but the godly will live to see their downfall."

With how rampantly sin runs around, it can oftentimes look like the enemy has the upper hand. There is hope though: they will fall. The Bible promises that yes, there will be times when evil will reign, rule, and rise, but that season will not last forever and the Godly will live to see their downfall!

V18: "When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful."

Being bound by the law brings discipline and freedom. As ironic as that may sound, it really is true. The rules and boundaries God has laid out for us to obey are there to keep us from leading a wild life where sin is in control. There's a joy that comes with obeying the Lord, a joy that disobedience and a wayward path could never bring.

V23: "Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor."

Pride is one of the things that God opposes. The Bible constantly repeats the destruction and downfall that being a person of pride will bring. Not only that, but we see and hear that it ends in humiliation. Trying to elevate oneself through dishonesty and selfishness never ends well. It is in humility and servanthood that true honor can be shown. When we lower ourselves to elevate another, God promises to elevate us in ways we could never imagine.

V25: "Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety."

I know in my life some seasons come up where it is hard to trust in the Lord. After all, most of His work takes place behind the scenes and if we're being honest, it doesn't always make sense to us. The safest and most secure thing we can do is simply trust in the Lord. At the end of the day, He has proven Himself to be faithful in the past, and He has no plans on giving up on our future.

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