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More Than My Savior

Writer's picture: Genelle AsamoahGenelle Asamoah

1 John 5:21(NLT)

“Keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.”


I very recently spent this past Summer going through each and every chapter and verse within book of 1 John, and let me tell you, I can wholeheartedly say that it is my favorite book in the Bible! The 5th chapter ends with this verse, and I have to say that this one specifically called me out like no verse had ever called me out before.


Here, we see John the Disciple writing to his fellow believers all around the world, and he says that we are to ”keep away from anything that might take God’s place in [our] hearts.” When we invite Jesus into our hearts through salvation, we automatically give Him the position of being both Savior (the One who saved us and reunited us with God the Father) and Lord (the number one thing in our lives) and nothing should ever change that.

The problem, however, is that the things of live oftentimes distract us and shift our focus off of God and on to something else. Even if it may not be intentional, you and I are all guilty of putting something above God, and that’s the whole point that John was making! We are to keep away from anything and everything that could even potentially take the place of God within us. If this means cutting off an addiction you struggle with, or even cutting out a distraction in your life, do it. It is not worth it to put anything above God. When we chose Him to be our Savior, we also accepted Him to be Lord too.


Prayer of Response:

Lord, I pray that if there is anything in my life that is keeping me from wholeheartedly making You number one, that You would remove it. You are not supposed to be second to anything, so give me the willingness to let go of whatever it is that is holding me back. When You came into my heart, You came in as both Savior, and Lord; this means I choose to put you first.

I love You Lord.


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