The Kingdom of God is like none other. What ruler saves His people with a King born to a teenage girl and a carpenter, in a stable? What baby is first visited by dirty and outcast shepherds? What kind of a toddler has magistrates come and visit Him, to bring birthday gifts that are for the preparation of His death? The answer to all of those questions can be found in this series. In the beautiful, yet strange Upside Down Kingdom of God, each and every individual played an important, and possibly even peculiar role in the grand scheme of things. We hope you enjoy the long awaited Upside Down Kingdom Series!
Up until the coming of Jesus, all we had known about the Father had been revealed through Him being a Spirit. Jesus came to us, still as God, just in human form. He came to restore our relationship with the Father, as sin had brought a great divide between us. Through His birth, death, and resurrection, Jesus granted us the access we needed to an eternity in Heaven, something we would have never been able to achieve on our own.
Over these last few weeks, we have taken the time to see how upside down the Kingdom of God truly is, and the birth of Jesus is no different. He was born to a teenage woman and her fiancé, a carpenter. His first crib was a feeding trough for cattle, and His first clothes were leftover scraps of swaddling cloth. There was nothing fancy, luxurious, or lavish about Jesus' birth. If anything, you would think a king would at least have had a decent place to stay. Not our king; Jesus had an old stable, and He was okay with that. He was humble, meek, and perfectly fine with making Himself the lowest of the low.
The story of God's Upside Down Kingdom culminated with just one man, and that person was Jesus. All of these people and events were laid out by the Father intentionally. He knew we needed ordinary, unqualified, outcast, and even strange people to relate with. After all, if God had no problem using the most upside-down of people in His salvation story, how much more of a plan and purpose does He have for you and me?
Dearest Philanthropical Faith Family Members,
We are closer and closer to our official one year anniversary! This means that for the past (almost) year now, The Philanthropical Faith has been here, and is a great testament to the faithfulness of God, and we want to take some time to reflect on that goodness!
From our very first devotional that came from my favorite Bible verse, Philippians 4:6-7, to growing to having members and readers all across the globe, and even establishing not just one, but two flourishing social media platforms, we could not be more grateful! God is good! Doing this has been nothing but a labor of love, as I have strived to be intentional in the way I run and manage this devotional, as well as taking the time to deeply study the Word of God, and what I feel Him lay on my heart, and through all of that, He is still good to me!
With this season of old coming to a close, there are incredible and great new things on their way, and I declare over this platform that what is coming for you and me will be greater than the latter, in Jesus' name.
I love you family!
<3 Genelle